If you want to dig into the realities of land development, you’ve come to the right place.
This is the place to find topics related to real estate contracts and negotiations.
The Essential Business Safety Net: Understanding Buy Sell Agreements
Like all things “real estate”, acquisition of land requires a clear purpose and an ultimate goal. Without that an investor would be operating on pure speculation, a potentially dangerous situation.
Let’s look at what the value can be for a cash deal in real estate and under what conditions it may apply.
Got ugly dirt? Take heart, I’ve developed and sold my fair share of vacant lots that didn’t win any beauty contests. It can be done for a profit too!
It is challenging and rewarding to negotiate and contract for the very best terms possible in a real estate deal. You can make deals and binding contracts for almost anything - as long as it is legal!
Successfully completing a problem-free real property transaction is a great feeling. Getting caught up in a fully executed contract problem isn’t.
One of the most difficult challenges a land owner can face is environmental problems, particularly - pollution and hazardous waste. In the case of pollutants, due diligence can be especially difficult since our 5 human senses cannot detect many of them.
As a pure land guy I originally missed out on some opportunities by not aligning myself with established builders.
Rural land buyers are not that much different than any real estate buyer regarding the steps in the process of making a buying decision, but they do look for different things than a person buying an existing home on a traditional lot.