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🎇 Increasing Land Value Challenge !! 🎆

🎇 Increasing Land Value Challenge !! 🎆

It’s time to hear back from Y.O.U.:

I took some time away over the last month and that explains not posting LDR weekly like I always do.

While doing next to nothing during this time, (except catching a 34” snook on a top water swim bait while getting eaten alive by mosquitos launching out of an overhanging mangrove thicket), - I got to thinking.

My big take away from all this thinking is that it’s about time to hear from you guys about your ideas on increasing land value. Many of the emails I get from readers are full of great ideas on the topic and they deserve serious recognition - and recognition is what you’ll get!

Read on…

“Increasing Land Value Challenge”

Entry and submittal is fast and easy. Also, since some of my LDR readers are newbies to land development, - know that you don’t need a ton of experience to participate and more importantly - to win.

How can I win?

It’s simple.

Write up and submit your best idea on how to:

Increase Land Value (while being specific about the details).

  • The contest starts today 8/16/2021 and the last day to submit your entry is 9/6/2021. The winner will be announced, along with the winning idea, on the September 12, 2021 LDR blog post.

  • Entries are to be emailed to me at:


  • The judge (me) will place an emphasis on creativity, along with specific details that help to support the idea.

What can I win?

The lucky winner will have their idea posted, along with glowing, (but not slobbering), recognition on the Land Development Realities (LDR) 9/12/2021 blog post!

“Heh” you say?
Well, not so fast my friends.

You may not know it but Land Development Realties is read by thousands of interested land development junkies in over 40 countries worldwide - and has been for a while. There will be lots of visibility. You could get your name and your idea in lights.

Why should I?

Why? Because on a serious note, I have always been impressed by the creativity, drive and overall quality of the ideas submitted to me by readers over the years. It’s time that you get a chance to be heard - widely heard that is!

Also, for me one of the things about blogging land development (or probably blogging in general) is the one-way direction of it:

- I write opinions, you read them -

It gets lopsided after a while and since I’ve learned a lot from my readers it’s only fair to feature your insights more often. Therefore, a chance for well-deserved recognition is being offered starting today and if it works well, going forward!

The not-so-fine print:

  • The winner’s idea and identity will not be posted on the blog without written digital permission to do so. After selection, the winner will be contacted by email and if he/she does not give permission, a different winner will be selected under the same terms and conditions.

  • Now, for those with parole officers…or if you’re just shy:

    If the winner chooses to remain anonymous, but allow their content to be posted, that’s ok too. You still win as long as you give me permission to post your idea, as originally written.

  • Finally, the identity and email privacy of each entrant is safe with me. You won’t start getting unwanted emails or wind up on a list somewhere. I don’t do that.

“Increasing Land Value Challenge”

Act now to participate, help educate our reader group, and get your name in lights!

Contact me at: ldr@landdevelopmentrealities.com

Blog photo of Uncle Sam courtesy of United States Library of Congress.

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