What To Know About Easements

Buying or Selling easements is another non-traditional way I have profited from land.  There are different kinds of easements that we’ll look at, but an easement is simply a non-possessive interest in land. It’s a right that one party has for the use of another party’s land for a given purpose.

Do I Need a Will?

Some of us ask, “do I need a Will?” A qualified estate planning attorney is the person to provide the right answer, but many people avoid doing estate planning because of the perceived cost, or they just feel it’s too morbid to deal with right now. There are some pitfalls to this thinking, some of which we should look at. 

Ethics in Business

Existing laws governing real estate practices, general business activity and professional services exist of course, but knowledge of them and caring enough to comply can be a different matter. Being on the good side of the law is always the goal, but then there are the situations where I am legally right, but morally conflicted.

Understanding Water Rights

There is not much in the bundle of rights that comes with real property ownership that is more volatile than the subject of water rights. The water on the surface of a property, as well as underground, is subject to control at every level, international, federal, state and local. A great way to start looking at this puzzling mess and try to sort it out is to look at some of the governmental entities that have water interests.

Finding Real Estate Investors

The only way I have ever funded my real estate projects is through private investors and I am fortunate that many of them have been repeat investors. The one fundamental truth for me is to treat my investors’ money better than I treat my own. Trust and fiduciary responsibility are the cornerstones of investor confidence, both to gain funding and to keep it.