Managing the variables of land development is a keystone to profitability. How can technology assist?
If you want to dig into the realities of land development, you’ve come to the right place.
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Managing the variables of land development is a keystone to profitability. How can technology assist?
My experience in dealing with opposition to land development projects has been different than I would have guessed. In the Pacific Northwest I found opposition to my projects to be much more aggressive, structured and effective. In Florida, I don’t remember a single group that ever participated in a meaningful opposition effort. There are some reasons why, which I’ll address.
A look at land use - the modification and management of the land for a purpose that is sustainable and balances human and environmental needs.
Nothing takes the fun out of a finished project faster than serious CC&R violations and the resulting enforcement. Here are suggested tips to avoid this misery and to deal with it if it comes.
Many developers (including myself at times) complain about the complexity and even contradictory rules we have to follow for a project, but to be fair without the governing regulations it would be the wild west out there. Land development laws are the supporting structure that provides order, continuity and uniformity for urban planning.
Rural residential land development projects have unique needs and the land developer needs to successfully address them for a project that produces top-dollar results.
A Road Maintenance Agreement in land development recites who will be responsible for the maintenance of the road surfaces and roadways and how it will be done.
Impact fees are charges paid in land development to finance the expansion of public infrastructure and offset the impact of population growth.
A TDR is a zoning change that allows for the transfer of development rights from a sending property to a receiving property
The goal of today is to review some of the ways to work most efficiently with your Planning Department and how to avoid problems.
Unlike many other areas of land use law, zoning ordinances are not state or federally set. States have created enabling acts which place the authority for zoning on the local municipality.
A Homeowners Association exists to perform the functions of oversight and management of the governing documents of a community.
CC&R’s are Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions that control, maintain and preserve the character of a residential community.
High density zoning offers attractive incentives for both the permitting authorities and the land developer.
The recording of real estate documents in the county public records provides notice to interested parties. Recording can also serve to secure the interest rights of a given party and the priority of interest. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of the public records in real estate.