Got a good idea for increasing land value? Here’s your chance to get it out there.
If you want to dig into the realities of land development, you’ve come to the right place.
Got a good idea for increasing land value? Here’s your chance to get it out there.
Managing road design and ingress / egress in land development projects.
What is the bottom line on cost overruns in land development?
Finish grading in land development - putting on the finishing touches!
None of us have a crystal ball showing us a definite future, but in the “here and now” every land developer is forced to predict future conditions in a variety of ways.
Getting started in land development. We all have to get started in land development somewhere. This might be a good place.
Modern Homesteading - Most of us are not migrating westward in a covered wagon to farm 160 acres of free public land on a homestead. What we are really trying to do is to find a way to cut property taxes and cap future increases of them. Contemporary homesteading can be a great way to do that as long as you and your property qualify.
10 Steps of dry utilities construction in land development.
The wet utility phase of construction in land development involves the proper preparation and installation of the on-site sanitary sewer system, storm drains and the potable and non-potable water systems.
Rough grading is mostly about shaping the land through a process of excavation and filling. You cut in certain areas and fill in others. The goal is to establish the proper contours with a practiced eye narrowly focused on proper sloping for drainage.
Introduction to the construction machinery typical with land development projects.
Almost nothing in land development is universally done each time, but there are 10 key steps in the construction of a land development project that almost always apply.
Like all things “real estate”, acquisition of land requires a clear purpose and an ultimate goal. Without that an investor would be operating on pure speculation, a potentially dangerous situation.
Let’s look at what the value can be for a cash deal in real estate and under what conditions it may apply.
A review of some of the different types of residential septic systems used in the United States.
Got ugly dirt? Take heart, I’ve developed and sold my fair share of vacant lots that didn’t win any beauty contests. It can be done for a profit too!
3D printing in real estate has not fully arrived yet, but I believe that within the next 20-25 years it will become a major force in building construction.
Managing real estate investors is a tough job when project objectives, cost, and time-to-completion are not handled the right way. Even when they are handled correctly, it can still be tough because managing your investors has a lot to do with managing their expectations, along with their invested assets.
I wasn’t raised a country boy but when it comes to land development that’s where my heart is. The bulk of my land development career has been creating 5+ acre residential lots in the rural transition zone (RTZ).
It is challenging and rewarding to negotiate and contract for the very best terms possible in a real estate deal. You can make deals and binding contracts for almost anything - as long as it is legal!